OpenKeyWord  Build_ID: 457, Datum: 01.02.2020 07:45:48
Dont repeat yourself. - Do it once and only once!
VerifyCaption( FN, ExpVal )

Keyword verifies the caption of a GUI-Object. The caption is e.g. the visible and basicaly not changeable text of a GUI-Object. Visible text of pushbutton or link.

  • no wildcards
  • no regular expression


Parameter Description
FN Functionalname of the GUI-Object
ExpVal Expected value

Reserved <tt>ExpVal</tt> Values

Keyword Description
"" and ${IGNORE} Don´t execute the keyword. (for data-driven-testing)
${EMPTY} The Expected value is empty or ""
${_ENV_} Expected value is empty or ""
${_MEMKEY_} OKW Parser substitutes with the Value memorized to Key "_MEMKEY_"


Default Usage

  1. EN.SelectWindow( "Login" ) - Set context to the Window Login with the ChildObject you want to verify.
  2. **EN.VerifyCaption( "OK", "Ok" )** - then Verify the GUI-Object with the FN = "OK" has a caption = "Ok"

Verify an Empty GUI-object

  1. **EN.VerifyCaption( "OK", "${EMPTY}" )** - Verifyies that OK has an empty (= "") caption

Ignore execution of Keyword_

There are two ways to ignore a Keyword: Set the Parameter ExpVal = "${IGNORE}" or simply ""

  1. EN.SelectWindow( "Login" )
  2. **EN.VerifyCaption( "OK", "" )** - This ignores the execution of this Keyword FN = "User" or
  3. **EN.VerifyCaption( "OK", "${IGNORE}" )** - This ignores the execution of this Keyword

Enviroment Variables

On Windowssystems the Enviroment variable USERNAME returns the name of the user who is currently logged on. OKW resolves the Enviroment variable ${USERNAME} to the currently logged on username and uses this as expected value (ExpVal).

For this Example

  1. EN.SelectWindow( "Login" )
  2. **EN.VerifyCaption( "User", "${USERNAME}" )** - Matches the GUI-Object FN = "User" with the current logged on username?

Called Method

Keyword <-> Called GUI-Adapter Method
EN.VerifyCaption( FN, ExpVal ) <-> public ArrayList<String> VerifyCaption( )
Zoltán Hrabovszki