OpenKeyWord  Build_ID: 457, Datum: 01.02.2020 07:45:48
Dont repeat yourself. - Do it once and only once!
Select( FN, Val )

Keyword selects the given values of a GUI-Object. Select is mostly Used with List-Objects to slect one or more possible options.


  1. If there is an allready selected option, then the select-keyword will add the given values to current selection. If you went to delete the current selection: Use ${DELETE} as the first value.
  2. Select does not simulate the keyboard input. See: TypeKeys


Parameter Description
FN Functionalname of the GUI-Object
Val Value to be entered.

Reserved Val Values

Val Description
"" and ${IGNORE} Don´t execute the keyword! (For data-driven testing).
${DELETE} Delete the value of the GUI-object.
${EMPTY} Is a not allowed value. This will raise a OKWNotAllowedValueException exception
${_ENV_} Set the value of GUI-object to value of given enviromentvar _ENV_
${_MEMKEY_} Set the value of GUI-object to the memorized value with _MEMKEY_ Key.


Normal Usage

Add one value to the current selection:

EN.SelectWindow( "Select" );
EN.SetValue( "Artist", "Frank Zappa" );

Normal Usage With Multiple Values

Add three values to the current selection:

EN.SelectWindow( "Select" );
EN.Select( "Artist", "Frank Zappa${SEP}Michael Jackson${SEP}Patti Smith" );

Delete Current Selection And Select Multiple Values

First Delete the current selection and than add three new values as selection:

EN.SelectWindow( "Select" );
EN.Select( "Artist", "${DELETE}${SEP}Frank Zappa${SEP}Michael Jackson${SEP}Patti Smith" );

Delete a Value

EN.SelectWindow( "Select" );
EN.Select( "User", "${DELETE}" );

Ignoring SetValue

EN.SelectWindow( "Select" );
EN.Select( "Artist", "" );
EN.Select( "Artist", "${IGNORE}" );
Zoltán Hrabovszki